
Mass effect 3 pc mods
Mass effect 3 pc mods

mass effect 3 pc mods

  • The interactive object highlight range is increased to 2.5x the original distance.
  • Multiplayer Warning: According to the Wiki mods are not allowed in Multiplayer, so it is safer to uninstall the mod and restart the game before playing online.
  • You can also restore the files by doing a repair install in Origin.
  • It is recommended to activate the Reset to Defaults button ( Options menu, Key Bindings section) to set the appropriate settings.
  • Overwrite those files with the versions included in the mod archive.
  • Make a backup of the files Coalesced.bin and BIOGame_INT.tlk from "Mass Effect 3\BIOGame\CookedPCConsole\".
  • mass effect 3 pc mods

    You can customize all Key Bindings in the Options menu, using the descriptions for guidance. To learn the new controls follow the in-game tutorials and/or read the in-game Manual (Chapters 7 and 8 for Single Player). The main changes are removing conflicts to avoid undesired actions, improving cover entry/exit, and eliminating delays. This mod improves the PC controls of Mass Effect 3, allowing more accurate, safe and responsive control of the character. It should work with all versions and DLC. Here is the Mod version for Mass Effect 3.

    Mass effect 3 pc mods